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The Tarot of the
Most High: Reflections on the Bible,
is a tarot card deck inspired by the Bible. It
includes depictions of events from the Old Testament, New Testament, and
the Apocrypha. Each card includes an image, a key word (describing the
overall theme of the card), and a section containing relevant Bible
verses - providing ample symbolism/themes for enhanced tarot readings.
These are not cards with fluffy inspirational Bible verses on them, but
like the Bible, contain mature content documenting the interaction
between God and human-beings, and human’s struggles with evil throughout
history. You can learn from the sins, temptations, adversity, and
struggles of Biblical characters, for your personal growth, and/or
reflect on God's interaction with mankind in the past, present, and
future. The images on the cards are recreations based on public domain
images taken from ‘The Bible And Its Story
Taught by One Thousand Picture Lessons’(1910),
‘Die Bibel in Bildern’(1872), and
Bible Gallery’(1883);
with artist such as Hans Burgkmair (1531), Albrecht Durer (1528),
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1872), and
Gustave Dore (1883). Many of these beautiful images might have been lost
to obscurity, but were recreated here so that another generation can
view their artwork and reflect on God’s word.
Tarot Card decks consist of 78 cards
divided into two sections and four suits. The two sections are the Major
Arcana (Table One) and the Minor Arcana (Table Two). The Major Arcana is
made up of 22 cards, labeled with Roman Numerals starting with zero and
going up to 21. The Minor Arcana is similar to a standard deck of
playing cards, but it includes four extra cards. Instead of cards
numbered 1 through 10, Jack, Queen, King, the Minor Arcana has cards
numbered 1 through 10, and then has a Page, Knight, Queen, and King.
In the Tarot of the Most High, the cards in the Major Arcana are
associated with the Mysteries of God and His foreordained plan, and the
cards in the Minor Arcana deal primarily with humanity’s struggles
against evil and mankind’s interactions with God, evil, and other
humans. Generally, the Major Arcana deals with spiritual concepts, and
the Minor Arcana addresses more earthly ones. The Minor Arcana is
divided into four suits: Cups, Coins, Staffs, and Swords. Certain
attributes are associated with each of the suits, but in order to avoid
the topics being too narrowly focused, some leeway/flexibility was
The cards in the ‘Cups’ suit focus mainly on topics related to ‘Destiny’
and sacrifice. They address topics such as faithfulness, martyrdom, and
concepts such as ‘death before dishonor.’ They explore the lives and
integrity of people who placed their commitment to God above their own
lives, and their trust in God’s providence. The cards in the Cups suit
deal with God’s interactions with mankind, and humanity’s trust and
commitment to God.
The primary theme of the ‘Swords’ suit is ‘Adversity’, and the cards
deal with interactions between humans. Many of the cards in this suit
depict King David’s struggles in life, and can be used to help you
understand how to get ahead in life while overcoming temptations and
obstacles. Also included are the lives of people who were confronted
with great wickedness/tragedies, and the need to balance one’s
priorities and/or responses in difficult situations.
The cards in the ‘Staff’ suit are primarily associated with
‘Discipline.’ You can think of a Staff as a ‘Rod of Reproof’ – although
that verse (Proverbs 29:15) is not actually included in this deck. The
Shepherd’s Staff was used to both guide and discipline the sheep. This
suit of the Minor Arcana deals with topics related to learning lessons,
growing in knowledge, finding one’s way in the world, and overcoming
challenges in order to become successful.
The main theme of the cards in the ‘Coins’ suit is ‘Wisdom.’ This suit
deals with situations where wisdom is put into practice, whereas the
situations in the ‘Staffs’ suit describe the trials through which wisdom
is developed. Wisdom is associated with coins, because wisdom states,
“Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than
choice gold.” (Proverbs 8:10), and Jesus stated, “I counsel thee to buy
of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich” (Revelations
3:8). This suit deals with how wisdom is applied, and how people’s faith
is tested (tired by fire) to determine their worthiness.
The cards in the Major Arcana are sometimes described as depictions of
‘the Fool’s Journey’, and are said to portray his growth and voyage
through life. In the Tarot of the Most High, the Major Arcana deals with
understanding the Mysteries of God. The Fool card can still be viewed as
the naïve children of God at the beginning of their journeys, but the
journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot of the Most High deck is
one of spiritual development. The Fool card represents a naïve youth
faced with the need of learning or using discernment in order to
navigate the obstacles he/she will face in the world.
The Magician card depicts Moses, and deals with confrontation. Unlike
the Fool (who had the choice of either following or ignoring his
father’s advice), Moses had a personal relationship with God. He trusted
in God and served as God’s instrument on earth. As in the Rider-Waite
Tarot Deck, The High Priestess card is associated with the Secret Church
(the one built without hands), and the Bride of Christ. Expanding on the
concept of being instruments of God, Christ’s Bride is called to be a
Holy Priesthood and for each member to let their lights shine on earth.
The Empress Card represents the Woman Israel described in the book of
Revelations or the last Eve. Her story depicts the rebellion of the
Satan, the war in Heaven, the birth and redemption of Christ, God’s
protection of Israel, and God’s preordained plan from the foundation
playing out. The Emperor card represents God, and our reliance on Him to
direct and work in our lives. The High Priest Card depicts Jesus, who
serves as mankind’s advocate to his father. The Lovers Card depicts
Tobias and Sarah, but the devotion within a marriage is a metaphor for
God’s relationship with humanity. The Church is the Bride of Christ, and
humanity is able to understand God and our relationship to Him, through
our earthly relationships and marriages.
The Chariot Card represents God’s will on earth, guardianship, and
influence through earthly governments. The Strength Card depicts Samson
and Delilah and addresses the concepts of strength and influence – you
can be influenced by God and follow your conscience or you can be driven
by temptation and left vulnerable to evil. The Hermit Card portrays
Daniel in the Lions’ Den, and demonstrates God’s influence (over the
lions) in response to Daniel’s willingness to follow God. The Wheel Card
displays Ezekiel’s wheel, cycles of life, and all things working in
accordance with God’s will (events in the Bible often occurred as a
foreshadowing of the events to come).
The Justice Card portrays the Lamb of God, which is central in God’s
plan and was ordained from the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20,
Revelations 13:8). The Hanged Man Card depicts Christ crucified, which
is the reason He is considered the Lamb of God. The Death Card portrays
the Angel of Death killing the first born in Egypt, but passing over
God’s chosen people – who have the blood of the lamb on their doors. The
Temperance Card shows the Baptism of Jesus. It is through Baptism, that
followers of Christ can be sealed for redemption, and overcome death be
accepting the blood of the lamb.
The ‘Devil’ card depicts Adam and Eve being tempted in the Garden of
Eden. It is due to them eating from the ‘Tree of Knowledge of Good and
Evil’ that death entered the world, humans are able to understand
choices and consequences, and the need for redemption and salvation were
created. This is the beginning of God’s plan being put into motion. The
‘Tower’ card represents God’s intervention in the world. God caused
division among humans, and called Abraham to follow Him and to become a
chosen people.
The ‘Star’ card portrays the ‘Star of Bethlehem’, and the manifestation
of God’s salvation to mankind through the birth of His son. It is
through Jesus that God’s promises to Abraham were extended to the
gentiles. So that all those to elect to follow their heavenly father’s
advice/commandments, may accept the blood of the lamb, so that death
will pass other them, and they may have their sins forgiven. The ‘Moon’
card represents the breaking of the Six Seal in the Book of Revelations,
and the realization of those on earth regarding the truth of God’s
existence (there will be signs at the end times, such as the moon being
turned to blood).
Traditionally, within the Tarot, the ‘Moon’ is referred to as the false
light. The moon is the opposite of the sun, but unlike the sun, the moon
is lifeless. The moon does not produce any light on its own, but is only
a reflection of the light of the sun shining on the other side of the
world. Christians are told, “Ye are all the children of light, and the
children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness (1
Thessalonians 5:5).” The ‘Sun’ and the ‘Moon’ cards are in direct
contrast of each other. The ‘Sun’ card displays God’s blessings to His
followers, and the ‘Moon’ card portrays the children of the night at a
time of distress – when they finally realize the results of their
The ‘Judgment’ card represents the Final Judgment of God, where every
individual will be judged according to his/her deeds. It is a day of
punishment and reward, rejoicing and sorrow; dependent on each
individual’s actions. The final card in the Major Arcana is the ‘World’
card, and represents the New Jerusalem and God’s promised world to come;
which will exist without any evil, sadness, or pain in it. It is the
final outcome, and what all of the other previous aspects of God’s plan
has led up to. The ‘Judgment’ and ‘World’ cards portray the final
outcomes of the children of the light and the children of darkness; once
the Shepherd has separated the sheep from the goats, and everyone goes
to their final abode – as written in the book of Matthew.
Matthew 25:31-46 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all
the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his
glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall
separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from
the goats: 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the
goats on the left. 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right
hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for
you from the foundation of the world: 35 For I was an hungry, and ye
gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and
ye took me in: 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited
me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. 37 Then shall the righteous
answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungered, and fed thee? or
thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took
thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in
prison, and came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto
them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the
least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41 Then shall he
say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into
everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 For I was an
hungry, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me
not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. 44 Then shall they also
answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungered, or athirst, or a
stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto
thee? 45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you,
Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to
me. 46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the
righteous into life eternal.